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SSHH Free Renters Helpline Remains Open to Help

Dec 04, 2020 12:00AM ● By Sacramento Self-Help Housing Press Release

SSHH Renters Helpline Tenant Advisor, Virginia Perez, will help and inform those with possible eviction issues. Photo: SSHH

SACRAMENTO REGION, CA (MPG) – Sacramento Self-Help Housing’s free Renters Helpline continues to experience a significant uptick in calls, and remains open and staffed with experts available to help with potential renter discrimination, tenant/landlord disputes, education on new laws about rent increase and “just cause” evictions, and temporary moratoriums due to COVID-19.

On average, the helpline typically receives just over 700 calls per month. However, from March through October during the COVID-19 pandemic began, calls to the Renters Helpline have increased and averaged 775 per month (March through October 2020). The top three reasons callers reach out to the Renters Helpline do so for help with the following: 1) end of the tenancy and evictions 2) rent increases, and 3) property maintenance.

During this challenging time, the Renters Helpline is an especially important resource for tenants as it provides an education in tenant/landlord issues and questions, which is critical due to AB 3088, the COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act of 2020. While the new law is designed to protect tenants from evictions if they have COVID-19 related economic impacts and cannot pay rent, it is complex and can be difficult for individuals to understand. The Renters Helpline can help residential tenants understand the intricacies and ensure they are complying with the law to avoid unnecessarily evictions. For instance, if AB 3088 is not extended, many tenants will be facing evictions as of February 1, 2021 if they did not return the Declaration of COVID-19 Related Financial Distress to the landlord or failed to pay 25 percent of the rent from September 1, 2020 through January 31, 2021.

Originally launched in 2016, the helpline is made possible through a collaboration with Project Sentinel, and Legal Services of Northern California (LSNC). The free service provides tenant education on their rights, and dispute resolution services for residents in unincorporated Sacramento County, and the cities of Sacramento, Rancho Cordova, Elk Grove, Citrus Heights and Folsom. Experienced Tenant Advisors deal directly with concerns regarding landlord/tenant disputes and help to refer fair housing issues to the appropriate agency.

The Renters Helpline is one of a variety of programs offered by Sacramento Self-Help Housing, a non-profit 501(c)3 agency celebrating 20 years of service that is dedicated to assisting those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to find and retain stable and affordable housing. To help solve the ever-increasing number of homeless men, women and families in Sacramento County, Sacramento Self-Help Housing continues to accept donations to assist with the transition of their clients from the street and onto a path of sustainable independent permanent housing.

The Renters Helpline is available at 916-389-7877 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information about the Renters Helpline, please visit; for general information about the organization or other programs offered by Sacramento Self-Help Housing, please call 916-341-0593 or visit